
Environmental Education and Resources

Xeritech is more than just a consulting and inspection company. We staff a credentialed
education & support team to assist our customers in the ongoing training and certification
processes required by the EPD and the Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Our
education specialists focus on the state required Level 1A and Level 1B certification classes
and are very flexible in terms of dates and classroom arrangements.

We can arrange 1/2 day classes for the Subcontractor Awareness Seminar, level 1A and 1B
recertification classes, a full day class for the Level 1A, and a two day classes for the
Level 1B to be held at your offices or one of our training facilities. Please contact us
if you have any special class requirements including weekend classes or evening classes for
the 1/2 day classes.

Explanation of courses:

Subcontractor Awareness Seminar Attendees include but not limited to:

  • Grading personnel, as well as grading and earthmoving equipment operators
  • Irrigation system personnel (residence, commercial and industrial sites)
  • Landscape personnel
  • Utility personnel (excludes entities regulated by the PSC or FERC, and other entities listed in O.C.G.A. 12-7-17(10), if within a Common Development
  • Wastewater personnel installing on-site systems (includes septic tank excavation and drain fields)
  • Well drilling personnel (includes directional boring equipment operators)
  • Plumbers and electricians (will require certification if conducting a land disturbing activity within a permitted project site).
  • Best management practice installation personnel Other personnel involved in land disturbing activities acting as a contractor or subcontractor


According to State law a certified individual shall be required
to attend and participate in at least
four hours of approved continuing education courses,
as established by the Commission, every three years.

Level 1A:

The Level IA Fundamentals Seminar is a one day course designed to train contractors, builders, developers,
site superintendents, grading and utility contractors, and monitoring consultants in the proper installation,
maintenance, and inspection of BMPs on construction sites.

Topics covered in this course are fundamentals of erosion and sediment control, the Georgia Erosion & Sedimentation
Act, NPDES Permits, field maintenance, stream buffers, vegetative and structural BMP practices.

Level 1B:

The Level IB Advanced Fundamentals Seminar is a two day course designed to train regulatory enforcement
inspectors and non-regulatory personnel inspectors contracted to do regulatory work to accurately inspect
land disturbance areas for compliance with state erosion and sedimentation laws. The course will cover
several topics such as the role of the inspector, ES&PC planning and review, and local program overview criteria.